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Buku bahasa arab mts pdf

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The overall results show that the animated video-based Arabic textbook is “very And the large group effectiveness test was obtained with the post-test mean score of 89> the pre-test mean score of 67. Meanwhile, the teacher response test was 84% in the “very feasible” category. Media expert test is 88% with a “decent” category. The feasibility value of the linguist's test is 100% with the “very feasible” category. The final test results showed that the feasibility value of the material expert test was 90% in the “very feasible” category.

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The data analysis technique used for this research is the t-test of the related sample uses the post-test and pre-test.

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Methods of data collection using observation, interviews,ĭocumentation, questionnaires and tests. This research uses validity and effectiveness techniques, the sample used in the small group trial phase involves 15% of the total students and 1 educator. The approach used in this method is to combine quantitativeĪnd qualitative approaches with a type of development research or what is called research and development. The model of developing Arabic textbooks based on video animation has 3 stages, including validation of material experts, validation of media experts and validation of linguists. This study aims to develop an animated video-based Arabic textbook for grade students of MTs.